Cathodic Protection Monitoring Equipment      


Polatrak® Cathodic Protection Monitoring
in conjunction with Deepwater Corrosion Inc.

Solar cell powered, convenient, cathodic protection monitoring solution
for subsea applications where ROV assisted CP surveys are conducted.


SunStation solar panel housing and ultrabright LED readout on a RetroClamp™.
The potential provided on the readout comes from a zinc electrode mounted on the clamp.


Product Overview

The Polatrak SunStation provides an improved, low-cost, convenient, cathodic protection monitoring solution for any subsea application where ROV assisted CP surveys are conducted. No more fooling with ROV mounted probes, or having to get a qualified inspector offshore. The SunStation digital readout is powered by solar cells, which are powered by the lights of the ROV.

Each SunStation is a single-channel device with an independent ground, thus any Polatrak instrument can output to this device. Anode currents, for example, can now be read directly, in real numbers, as can current densities. This system can save an operator hundreds of thousands of dollars in reduced inspection time, and improves quality and repeatability of data to a level never before available.

The readouts are strategically located where ROV intervention is required; CP inspection is achieved whenever the ROV visits. The mounting panel around the unit indicates inspection point location information and the designation of each channel.


  • Subsea trees & manifolds
  • Deepwater flow lines
  • Floating production systems
  • Pipeline sleds
  • Inside soft ballast tanks and center wells
  • Anywhere ROV CP inspection is required

Main Benefits

  • Competitive pricing provides rapid ROI.
  • Eliminates the need for OQ personnel offshore.
  • Provides repeatable accurate data and eliminates operator error.
  • Provides positive real-time verification of electrical continuity or isolation.
  • Eliminates the hassle of ROV interfaced probes.
  • Provides more selective measurement at points not easily accessible with an ROV mounted probe.
  • Reduces cost and eliminates wear and tear on ROV systems.


  • Depth Rating: 1,000 FSW (300 m) with Delrin Housing or 10,000 FSW (3000 m) with SS Housing.
  • Design Life: 20 years.
  • Readouts: Four 12 mm (0.5") LED digits
    ± 2 Volt (1 mV resolution)
    ±- 200 mV (0.1 mV resolution)
  • Housing: Delrin, heavy-wall thermoplastic, or 316 stainless steel (depending on depth requirements).
  • Lens: Acrylic.
  • Antifouling: CuNi lens fasteners.
  • Interface: V-String™ reference electrodes & ground.
    MA-1™ Monitored anode.
    DR-2™ Reference Electrode.
    DR-2 CD™ Polarization Monitor.
    Can take any DC input from passive sensors.
    Can be mounted to a RetroClamp™ for retrofit applications (clamp provides reference ground).
  Cage with SunStations

Underwater cage with two SunStations.

Integral solar panels (top photo) eliminate the need for batteries and power the digital readout from an external light source.

A close up of the LED display, housed in
the Delrin version of the enclosure, which
is rated to approx. 300 meters.

The rear of the SunStation CP Test Panel.

For further information on this product:

Alduco are the sole Distributor of Deepwater products in the Gulf of Guinea.

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