Impressed Current Cathodic Protection      

RetroBuoy Jr™

Impressed Current Cathodic Protection for Life Extension for
Smaller Structures in conjunction with Deepwater Corrosion Inc.

State-of-the-art impressed current technology for smaller structures,
docks and jetties. Compact size for installation from small vessels.

RetroBuoy Jr.

RetroBuoy Jr. in situ, protecting a pier structure.
The semi-remote location maximizes current.


Product Overview

RetroBuoy Jr. is a smaller, more compact version of the standard RetroBuoy™. Where the RetroBuoy’s 400 Amp output capability makes it ideal for large structures and FPSO’s, the RetroBuoy Jr.’s 200 Amp output makes it ideal for smaller structures, docks, and jetties.

RetroBuoy Jr. has a single buoyancy module that can be equipped with anode rods to provide current ratings from 100 to 200 Amperes for up to a 20-year design life, depending on the needs of the asset to be protected.

The compact size facilitates installation from small support vessels, making the system ideal for inshore dock and jetty type applications, as well as bridge-connected offshore platform complexes with power.

RetroBuoy systems cut retrofit costs by delivering more cathodic protection, more efficiently. One typical RetroBuoy Jr. sled can protect up to 40,000 square feet of steel. The conventional alternative protection would need 16 tons (US)
of sacrificial aluminum.


  • Offshore platform jacket retrofit.
  • Docks, Jetties, piers, and other in-shore structures.
  • Small structures with power.

Main Benefits

  • A 150 Ampere sled, as shown, replaces approximately 12 tons of aluminum anodes and will protect a typical 4 pile jacket in 100 feet of seawater.
  • The compact size lends itself well to semi-remote installation inside or close to the jacket structure.
  • Installation is a snap; one day is typically all that is required.
  • The buoyant anode concept lets the anode elements stay in seawater where they can operate at maximum efficiency, the free floating module works with the environment, providing long term reliability.

When installed on a fixed structure, RetroBuoy Jr. sits on bottom inside or outside of the jacket

The cable to the rectifier on the surface is secured to the member by a variety of available clamping and strapping mechanisms.



  • Anode Elements: Mixed metal oxide (MMO) activated titanium tubular 1.25” x 48” (31.75 x 1219 mm) – center compression connected. Anodes triple coated. Number of rods will vary between 2 and 4 depending on required life and current.
  • Buoyancy Modules: Tri-part syntactic foam 28 lb/ft3 (0.4485 g/cm3) – Depth rating 1000 f.s.w. (305 meters). One buoyancy modules provided. Overall dimensions: 12” diameter x 72” long (305 x 1829 mm).
  • Main Feed Cables: 4/0 A WG (approx. 120 mm2), HMWPE insulated & bedded, contra-helical double galvanized steel wire armor package, HMWPE overall jacket. Two or three cables will be provided depending on required life and current (Note: cable specified is for fixed jacket applications only).
  • Cable Connections: Made inside an oil filled, pressure compensated junction box. Each anode element is on a separate parallel circuit.
  • Tethers: Braided stainless steel.
  • Frame: Welded steel construction, coated and provided with sacrificial anode CP for required life.
  • Stabilization: Depending on bottom conditions, the sled may be additionally stabilized with concrete articulated mattresses.

For further information on this product:

Alduco are the sole Distributor of Deepwater products in the Gulf of Guinea.

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